Illinois Needs a Medical Aid in Dying Law
To help, please visit the Illinois End of Life Options Coalition and sign up to be a Compassion & Choices volunteer.
Dying can be hell. Even with the best palliative care, the diseases that kill us often cause immense, unbearable pain and suffering. Currently, nine U.S. states now have Medical Aid In Dying laws — California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, New Mexico, Hawaii, New Jersey, Maine and Vermont — plus Washington D.C. These laws provide a compassionate option for suffering, terminally ill people.
Join Us
Final Options Illinois is working with Compassion & Choices and the ACLU of Illinois in the Illinois End of Life Options Coalition to make this compassionate alternative available in Illinois.
Aid in Dying must become a human right.
We invite you to join us … for yourself, for your loved ones, and for all people, to have this humane option when we die.
For more details click on the organizations below.
Powerful article “A Fight To Die” in Bloomberg Businessweek
"A Fight To Die" is the title of a powerful article in Bloomberg Businessweek on December 17, 2021. The article focuses on Sandy Morris, terminally [...]
C&C lawsuit challenges Oregon’s residency requirement
On October 28, 2021, Compassion & Choices filed a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the residency requirement of Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act. The [...]