Groups & Links

There are several national groups that work for aid in dying (death-with-dignity.)
They differ in their approach, but all are wonderful, and earn our highest recommendation.
We strongly recommend joining and supporting them all.

Compassion and Choices (C&C) is the largest and best-funded group. C&C is leading the charge to get the right to death-with-dignity established in states all around the US. It’s a most wonderful group — please join if you’re not already a member. It also provides trained counselors who can offer advice if you’re suffering intolerably. If this is you, don’t hesitate to call C&C at 800-247-7421.

The Resources at the Compassion & Choices website is particularly valuable and contains links to several important fact sheets.

If you support the passage of a medical aid in dying law in Illinois, please contribute to Compassion & Choices, join the Compassion & Choices Action Network, and sign up as an official Volunteer for Compassion and Choices.

The Death With Dignity National Center, based in Oregon where the first death-with-dignity law was passed, serves as a clearinghouse for the movement and does wonderful advocacy work. Please contribute to the National Center, and also to the Death With Dignity Political Fund.

Our People

Click on the images below to learn more about these fantastic organizations.