From Maria Otero, Latino Engagement Director, Compassion & Choices:
“I’m the Latino Engagement Director at Compassion & Choices and I know firsthand the importance of reaching diverse communities on end-of-life planning and options. As a Catholic, I want my community to know that Compassion & Choices has resources for everyone.
That’s why I’ve joined Catholics for Compassion, a group of practicing Catholics who understand how crucial end-of-life planning and options are to our communities. We are committed to helping others learn how their faith can guide them through those tough decisions.
Please join me on Monday, May 2, 2022, the Feast Day of Saint Antoninus – the patron saint of compassion, social ethics, and choice – for “Living and Dying According to Your Conscience,” a virtual event introducing Catholics for Compassion and sharing the perspectives of three Catholic members.
Please click here to register …
My faith teaches me to respect everyone’s individual relationship with God. We have a freedom to speak directly to God and decide on the best care for ourselves and our families. It’s okay to ask for end-of-life care options that fit our needs.”