FOI Final Options Illinois Sat, 15 Jan 2022 18:54:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 204914169 Important new book makes clear the realities of the intensive care unit Sat, 15 Jan 2022 18:48:52 +0000 Jane Brody offers an informative review of the fascinating new book by critical care physician Dr. Laura Goitein, “The ICU Guide for Families:  Understanding Intensive Care and How You Can Support Your Loved One, in the Jan 11, 2022 New York Times. Dr. Goitein makes it clear that you don’t come out of a lengthy [...]

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Jane Brody offers an informative review of the fascinating new book by critical care physician Dr. Laura Goitein, “The ICU Guide for Families:  Understanding Intensive Care and How You Can Support Your Loved One, in the Jan 11, 2022 New York Times.

Dr. Goitein makes it clear that you don’t come out of a lengthy ICU stay with a life-threatening illness and jump back into tip-top shape. “Among those who required prolonged life support, only a minority go directly home after being discharged from the hospital….More than a third require long-term acute care…For patients who needed more than two days of mechanical ventilation in the ICU, family caregivers typically spend an average of more than five hours a day giving care during the first half-year after hospital discharge … Overcoming ICU-induced physical weakness can take several years, and regaining independence in activities of daily living, like getting dressed and preparing meals, can require fierce determination…”

And of course Dr. Goitein also writes, “It’s also important for families to know when ‘enough is enough.’”  That’s the challenge that so many of us will eventually face.  “For patients who have been on prolonged life support in the ICU, it can be very challenging for families to come to terms with their failure to improve and inability to wean them off the machines keeping them technically alive.”

Check out the book’s info at the publisher’s



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A Doctor’s Profound Take on End of Life Discussions and Directives Sun, 09 Jan 2022 21:20:00 +0000 Dr. Daniela J. Lamas, a pulmonary and critical-care physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, has penned this profound essay discussing the realities of advance directives and end-of-life care, which appeared in the New York Times on January 6, 2022. She describes a case in which a patient's wishes in an advance directive prepared [...]

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Dr. Daniela J. Lamas, a pulmonary and critical-care physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, has penned this profound essay discussing the realities of advance directives and end-of-life care, which appeared in the New York Times on January 6, 2022.

She describes a case in which a patient’s wishes in an advance directive prepared when she was hale and hearty, turned out not to be what she wanted when in the throes of a critical illness:  “… what has increasingly troubled me working in the intensive are unit is the difficulty of asking people to make decisions about future scenarios.  Humans have an amazing capacity to adapt to illness or disease.  From the vantage point of youth or good health, it is easy for people to say that they would rather die than live with significant limitations, pain or dependence on others.  But people evolve in ways they cannot expect…As a result, what people are willing to go through to extend their life might change depending on the context.  Advance directives written at one point in time about hypothetical scenarios cannot capture what someone actually wants at every point in the future.”

She guides us to a better way.  First, no matter what, find that person to be your health-care proxy, to have your health care power of attorney, make sure they agree, make sure they are someone you trust to make decisions for you if you can’t, have the conversation, and do the paperwork. 

But second, and most important, “we need to shift the focus from talking to healthy people about what would happen should they stop breathing during a routine procedure and toward improving conversations with people are already seriously ill.  All patients for whom these decision are no longer hypothetical should have a documented conversation with their doctor that focuses less on their thoughts about specific medical interventions and more on their understanding of their prognosis, what is important to them and what gives their lives meaning.  When I am standing at a bedside in the intensive care unit, I want to be able to lean on that conversation.  Is my patient someone who would be willing to go through aggressive medical treatments for the possibility of prolonging his life?  Or is this someone who would prioritize comfort given the current medical realities?”

Wow.  That’s profound stuff.  When I’m seriously ill, I hope I’m in the care of a doctor who is as wise as Dr. Lamas, and I hope that doctor has the legal authority to ease me into a gentle final sleep if and when I so direct.  That’s what aid in dying is all about.

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Celebrate the life and mourn the passing of Desmond Tutu Tue, 28 Dec 2021 18:41:34 +0000 We mourn the passing and celebrate the life of Desmond Tutu, Nobel laureate and former Anglican archbishop of South Africa, who did so much to ensure a peaceful end to apartheid and transition to democracy. As a fervent supporter of human rights generally, Archbishop Tutu was also a passionate and highly public advocate for aid [...]

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We mourn the passing and celebrate the life of Desmond Tutu, Nobel laureate and former Anglican archbishop of South Africa, who did so much to ensure a peaceful end to apartheid and transition to democracy.

As a fervent supporter of human rights generally, Archbishop Tutu was also a passionate and highly public advocate for aid in dying.  This 2014 op-ed he penned for The Guardian and this 2016 op-ed in the Washington Post are two of his most profound writings on the subject.

“I have been fortunate to spend my life working for dignity for the living. Now I wish to apply my mind to the issue of dignity for the dying,” wrote Mr. Tutu.  “I revere the sanctity of life – but not at any cost. I confirm I don’t want my life prolonged. I can see I would probably incline towards the quality of life argument, whereas others will be more comfortable with palliative care. Yes, I think a lot of people would be upset if I said I wanted assisted dying. I would say I wouldn’t mind actually.”


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The Economist notes the growing acceptance of aid in dying in the West Tue, 28 Dec 2021 18:27:14 +0000 The influential British publication "The Economist" had an informative and deeply positive article on November 13, 2021:  "In the West, assisted dying is rapidly becoming legal and accepted," with the subhead, "It is raising hard questions and changing how people think about death." That such a prestigious publication would line up solidly in favor of [...]

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The influential British publication “The Economist” had an informative and deeply positive article on November 13, 2021:  “In the West, assisted dying is rapidly becoming legal and accepted,” with the subhead, “It is raising hard questions and changing how people think about death.”

That such a prestigious publication would line up solidly in favor of aid in dying augurs well for the continued success of our movement.

Read the article here



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Powerful article “A Fight To Die” in Bloomberg Businessweek Tue, 28 Dec 2021 18:20:05 +0000 "A Fight To Die" is the title of a powerful article in Bloomberg Businessweek on December 17, 2021. The article focuses on Sandy Morris, terminally ill with ALS, who plans to use California's medical aid in dying law.  "She's fulfilled all the requirements to qualify, and her case embodies the spirit of the law's aims:  [...]

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“A Fight To Die” is the title of a powerful article in Bloomberg Businessweek on December 17, 2021.

The article focuses on Sandy Morris, terminally ill with ALS, who plans to use California’s medical aid in dying law.  “She’s fulfilled all the requirements to qualify, and her case embodies the spirit of the law’s aims:  to offer agency and autonomy at the end of life in lieu of suffering, indignity, and shame.”  Without using the law — to “let nature take its course” — would mean a “drawn out death by suffocation she’s desperate to avoid.”

Read the article here … (Bloomberg typically has an introductory rate for subscribers.)


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C&C lawsuit challenges Oregon’s residency requirement Tue, 28 Dec 2021 02:36:36 +0000 On October 28, 2021, Compassion & Choices filed a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the residency requirement of Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act.  The suit contends that the residency requirement violates the U.S. constitution's guarantee of equal treatment. The suit was filed on behalf of Dr. Nicholas Gideonse, an Oregon physician who regularly attends [...]

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On October 28, 2021, Compassion & Choices filed a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the residency requirement of Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act.  The suit contends that the residency requirement violates the U.S. constitution’s guarantee of equal treatment.

The suit was filed on behalf of Dr. Nicholas Gideonse, an Oregon physician who regularly attends to patients from neighboring Vancouver, WA. If successful, eligible out-of-state people would be able to access medical aid in dying in Oregon. May it happen!

Read or listen to an interview with Dr. Gideonse at Oregon Public Broadcasting



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California vets challenge aid in dying restrictions Wed, 22 Dec 2021 20:57:07 +0000 A November 5, 2021,  article in the San Jose Mercury News describes how a group of distinguished veterans are challenging restrictions that would force them to leave their homes to access California's Medical Aid In Dying law. The state of California has issued an order denying access to the law to the 625 residents of [...]

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A November 5, 2021,  article in the San Jose Mercury News describes how a group of distinguished veterans are challenging restrictions that would force them to leave their homes to access California’s Medical Aid In Dying law.

The state of California has issued an order denying access to the law to the 625 residents of Napa County’s Yountville veterans home and to other facilities across the state, supposedly since about a quarter of the budget for these facilities is provided by the federal government and a federal law prohibits federal money being used for aid in dying.

“Without the same rights afforded other Californians under the act, the veterans’ only option is to leave – or stay and risk misery.  If the veteran leaves, their spouse must leave too and cannot return.”

“‘I’ve watched three of my friends die here who were in apin and suffering.  It’s unacceptable,’ said Jim Thomas, 86, a decorated Vietnam War-era US Air Force officer and pilot.”

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Latest national news from Compassion & Choices Illinois Wed, 22 Dec 2021 20:19:42 +0000 The following is from the Fall 2021 issue of Illinois Compassionate Quarterly, published on Dec. 13, 2021, by Compassion & Choices to its volunteers and supporters in Illinois. We won a big victory in California on October 5, when Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 380, extending the sunset provision of the California End of Life [...]

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The following is from the Fall 2021 issue of Illinois Compassionate Quarterly, published on Dec. 13, 2021, by Compassion & Choices to its volunteers and supporters in Illinois.

We won a big victory in California on October 5, when Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 380, extending the sunset provision of the California End of Life Option Act for five years; from January 1, 2026 until January 1, 2031. The law also improved access and transparency by reducing the mandatory minimum 15-day waiting period between the two oral requests for aid-in-dying medication to 48 hours for all eligible patients and requiring healthcare systems and hospices to put their medical aid-in-dying policies on their websites.

On the legal advocacy front, on October 28 Compassion & Choices filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the residency requirement of Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act. The suit was filed on behalf of Dr. Nicholas Gideonse, an Oregon physician who regularly attends to patients from neighboring Vancouver, WA. If successful, eligible out-of-state people would be able to access medical aid in dying in Oregon.

Also in October, the NAACP — the nation’s first, largest and most influential grassroots–based civil rights organization — passed an end-of-life education resolution that recognizes the disparities that African Americans face in end-of-life planning. The resolution states, “The NAACP advocates that families educate themselves on all aspects of end-of-life planning including advance healthcare directives, healthcare proxies, organ donation, wills, trusts, powers of attorney and end-of-life options such as hospice, palliative care and achieving a physician-assisted peaceful transition.” This transformational resolution solidifies the importance of end-of-life education as a civil rights issue.


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Buyer beware when it comes to hospice care Wed, 22 Dec 2021 18:47:05 +0000 If you're considering hospice care for yourself or your loved one, be sure to check it out carefully beforehand.  There are good ones and not-so-good ones, as this article from the Dec. 21, 2021 Huffington Post about the growth of hospice ownership by "private equity" firms makes clear.  

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If you’re considering hospice care for yourself or your loved one, be sure to check it out carefully beforehand.  There are good ones and not-so-good ones, as this article from the Dec. 21, 2021 Huffington Post about the growth of hospice ownership by “private equity” firms makes clear.


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Famed writer Constance Ahrons uses California End of Life Options Act Sat, 11 Dec 2021 00:00:20 +0000 We have lost a blessed person, Constance Ahrons, who wrote the book on how to get divorced without destroying your family … and she wanted it known that “[as] an active member of the Hemlock Society, [she] ended her life through the process laid out by California’s End of Life Option Act, with a doctor, [...]

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We have lost a blessed person, Constance Ahrons, who wrote the book on how to get divorced without destroying your family … and she wanted it known that “[as] an active member of the Hemlock Society, [she] ended her life through the process laid out by California’s End of Life Option Act, with a doctor, nurse and family present. She believed strongly in choosing how one lives and how one dies…and wanted people to know of her choice.”  What a great human being she was.

Read all it about it in the Dec 5 New York Times


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